Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)

Infrasonic, audiosonic, ultrasonic and hypersonic are different frequancr ranged sound waves or acoustic waves. Another property of sound is amplitude. An audio signal is converted into digital format by using an analog-to-digital converter in computers. Sampling rate is the rate at which a continuous waveform is sampled. Musical Instrument Digital Interface is a technique developed to exchange musical information to computers. MIDI protocol is a binary form music description language. A binary code here represents a musical action. There are two components in MIDI interface. First one is a hardware which specifies the physical connection of musical instruments. Second one is a data format which facilitates information encoding. This digital data format is in grouped MIDI messages format. On playing a key in a musical instrument, the MIDI interface generates a MIDI message. This message defines the start of each score and its intensity. The two timing codes used here are MIDI timing code and SMPTE timing code.

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