Saturday, November 12, 2011

Breakout Box

Data communication using two RS-232 devices is a complex task. The interconnection of two RS-232 devices may lead to some disturbing results. A breakout box is a low-cost device which makes the interconnection of two RS-232 devices in an efficient manner. The breakout box takes all 25 wires in the RS-232 cable and breaks them out so that they are all accessible to probes. Each wire is provided with a simple on-off switch. This switch allows ‘make’ and ‘break’ of signal. Status of RS-232 lines can be inferred from light emitting diodes. Transmitted data, received data, clear to send (CTS), return to send (RTS) etc. can be monitored using light emitting diodes. The breakout box is a passive device often used together with a gender changer. Gender changer helps to overcome the pin mismatch if any. Breakout box effectively resolves conflicts between pin assignments, disconnects lines which interfere with each other and makes desired handshake connections. Breakout box just establishes a connection between the computer and terminal where problem solving task can be accomplished. After establishing connection, breakout box can be replaced by a proper cable.

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