Thursday, September 17, 2009

Electra digital readout system

Electra digital readout system is a method employed by the plastic industry to measure linear and angular displacements. With this method, we measure upto 1 micron. This system can be used in series with lathes, optical portable projector and EDM. This system has two parts- measuring scale and display counter. Measuring scale consists of a main scale and a slider with sensor. We can use either a glass scale or metallic scale. For measuring lengths upto 2 meters, glass scale is used while metallic scales are used for upto 5 meters. An infrared light emitting diode is used as sensor and a phototransistor as a detector. Display counter uses seven segment green displays. This counter is used to indicate counts. A steel scale is a perfect example of DRO system. It consists of a light source, a condenser lens, a scanning reticle and silicon photovoltaic cell.

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