Thursday, May 28, 2009

Evaporative cooling pads

Evaporating cooling pads are now in high demand. Desiccant rotors international designed a new type of evaporative cooling pads. Company has given it the name ‘ ECOCOOL’. This company is a leading manufacturer of energy recovery products and air ventilation systems. Ecocool cooling pads restricts buildup of dust particles and enhances the life span. This is achieved by the smooth and fine edges of pads. These pads are treated with stiffening and rot resisting agents for structural strength. This structural strength helps the pad to stand alone. Thus this system is made economical by saving support material cost. Special grade cellulose papers are used for the production of ecocool pads. Thus these pads are capable of absorbing and retaining water to provide the maximum cooling efficiency. These pads are glued with special glue which restricts pealing and takes 20 to 40 % more water comparing with other pads.

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